The Publications of the Bedfordshire Historical Record Society, vol. 7
‘A calendar of the pipe rolls of the reign of Richard I for Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire 1189-1199’, by G. Herbert Fowler and Michael W. Hughes. The calendar in English is preceded by an introduction which explains what the roll contains and how it has been calendared and analyses some of the information in the pipe rolls. It is followed by copious notes and a fold-out map containing a reconstruction of the hundreds of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire at the time of Richard I. The authors are careful to indicate that the hundred boundaries are approximations based on later parish boundaries and that the locations shown for vills are similarly only probable.
Dr G. Herbert Fowler (1861-1940) was a zoologist working in London before he retired to Bedfordshire, where he became a county councillor and chairman of the county’s Records Committee in 1913. He immediately reformed the existing record room, established standard procedures and ran it as a public service, the first in the country. He was a founder member of BHRS in 1912 and its Secretary, General Editor and principal contributor to the annual volumes until his death. He also published extensively on sources in Buckinghamshire and elsewhere.