‘…has been one of the major resources in fetal monitoring since its inception….This book will help move us out of the 20th century and into the 21st.’–Doody’s Book Review Service
Designed for labor and delivery nurses, nurse midwives, nurses cross-training in L&D, and Ob/Gyn nurses and physicians, this workbook is a step-by-step guide to using the equipment and identifying FHR pattern components and the significance of those components. Everything you need to know to enable you to identify the common signs of fetal well-being and the indicators of fetal compromise are included in this guide.
Please see our separate entry for the third edition of the companion volume, Essentials of Fetal Monitoring, Third Edition.
To learn more about Dr. Murray’s seminars and certification classes, as well as how to purchase copies of her Fetal Monitoring in Clinical Practice Multimedia Interactive CD-Rom package, please visit her website at www.fetalmonitoring.com
Contributors and Corporate Sponsors
Michelle L. Murray, Ph D, RNC-OB, is an international educator, author, and expert in obstetric nursing. She is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Childbirth. Dr. Murray has taught nursing students and nurses in the United States, Canada, and Bahrain and has spent the majority of her career as a labor and delivery nurse and obstetric nursing educator. She was appointed by the provost at the University of New Mexico as a clinical associate professor. Dr. Murray’s company, Learning Resources International, Inc., produces clinical and educational products, and she has delivered seminars to nurses, midwives, and physicians.