This book offers a much-needed critical approach to the intelligent use of the wide variety of map projections that are rapidly and inexpensively available today. It also discusses the distortions that are immanent in any map projection.
A well-chosen map projection is one in which extreme distortions are smaller than those in any other projection used to map the same area and in which the map properties match its purpose. Written by leading experts in the field, including W. Tobler, F.C. Kessler, S.E. Battersby, M.P. Finn, K.C. Clarke, V.S. Tikunov, H. Hargitai, B. Jenny and N. Frančula. This book is designed for use by laymen.
The book editors are M. Lapaine and E.L. Usery, Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively, of the ICA Commission on Map Projections for the period 2011-2015.
Which Map is Best?.- Choosing a World Map.- Matching the Map Projection to the Need.- Map Projections and the Internet.- Cartograms as Map Projections.- Anamorphoses as a Method of Visualization.- Map Pojections in Planetary Cartography.- Combining World Map Projections.- A Guide to Selecting Map Projections for World and Hemisphere Maps.- The Logic of Selecting an Appropriate Map Projection in a Decision Support System (DSS).- Short History on Map Projections.- Famous People and Map Projections.- Basics of Geodesy for Map Projections.