The thoroughly revised and updated second edition of Ultra
Wideband Signals and Systems in Communication Engineering
features new standards, developments and applications. It addresses
not only recent developments in UWB communication systems, but also
related IEEE standards such as IEEE 802.15 wireless personal area
network (WPAN). Examples and problems are included in each
chapter to aid understanding.
Enhanced with new chapters and several sections including
The thoroughly revised and updated second edition of Ultra
Wideband Signals and Systems in Communication Engineering
features new standards, developments and applications. It addresses
not only recent developments in UWB communication systems, but also
related IEEE standards such as IEEE 802.15 wireless personal area
network (WPAN). Examples and problems are included in each
chapter to aid understanding.
Enhanced with new chapters and several sections including
Standardization, advanced topics in UWB Communications and more
applications, this book is essential reading for senior
undergraduates and postgraduate students interested in studying
UWB. The emphasis on UWB development for commercial consumer
communications products means that any communication engineer or
manager cannot afford to be without it!
New material included in the second edition:
* Two new chapters covering new regulatory issues for UWB systems
and new systems such as ad-hoc and sensor networks, MAC protocols
and space-time coding for UWB systems
* IEEE proposals for channel models and their specifications
* Interference and coexistence of UWB with other systems
* UWB antennas and arrays, and new types of antennas for UWB
systems such as printed bow-tie antennas
* Coverage of new companies working on UWB such as Artimi and
* UWB potential for use in medicine, including cardiology,
respiratory medicine, obstetrics and gynaecology, emergency room
and acute care, assistance for disabled people, and throat and
Companion website features a solutions manual, Matlab programs
and electronic versions of all figures.