Bernard Faye, completed his doctorate in veterinary medicine at the Veterinary School of Lyon (France), then his MSci in animal nutrition and endocrinology (Clermont-Ferrand University, France). Following several years of both development (Niger) and research (Ethiopia) work in Africa, he obtained his Ph D in animal epidemiology (Paris University), then the postdoctoral degree “habilitation to manage research teams” (HDR) at Montpellier University. He subsequently served as an epidemiologist at the Ecopathology Lab (National Agronomic Research Institute (INRA)), then joined CIRAD Montpellier as head of the animal production program, and later as a scientific project manager in animal production. He has gathered camel expertise in more than 45 countries, e.g. as an FAO consultant to Saudi Arabia at the Camel Research Centers in Al-Jouf and Kharj. One of the founders of ISOCARD, he is currently an independent international camel expert.
Mohammed Bengoumi, completed his Ph D in veterinary medicine at the IAV Hassan II, Rabat (Morocco) on the topic “Clinical biochemistry in the camel and its adaptation to dehydration” in collaboration with the biochemistry laboratory at Toulouse-Rangueil Hospital (France). He served as an associate professor, then as a professor at the IAV Hassan II in the “Pharmacology, Toxicology and Biochemistry” department, where he led many projects on camel biochemistry. He subsequently worked at the FAO regional office in Cairo (Egypt) and notably developed the camel research program in Saudi Arabia. Currently, he works at the FAO sub-regional office for North Africa in Tunis (Tunisia), where he is responsible for animal production and health.
1 电子书 Mohammed Bengoumi
Bernard Faye & Mohammed Bengoumi: Camel Clinical Biochemistry and Hematology
This work brings together a wealth of data regarding the reference values and factors of variation in biochemical parameters used by camel veterinarians and scientists to determine these animals’ nut …