作者: Monika Wilhelm

Adjunct Professor Gotlind Ulshöfer holds a DFG Heisenberg post in the Faculty of Protestant Theology at the University of Tübingen and is a minister of the Lutheran Church in Hesse and Nassau; Monika Wilhelm is an Assistant in theological ethics at the University of Zurich and a minister in the Reformed Protestant Church.

2 电子书 Monika Wilhelm

Gotlind Ulshöfer & Monika Wilhelm: Theologische Medienethik im digitalen Zeitalter
The media have now become ubiquitous, mainly due to the technical opportunities offered by smartphones and other mobile communication devices. Media communication is no longer initiated by large broa …
Monika Wilhelm & Matthias Bachmann: Gemeindeentwicklung in 7 Tagen
Gemeindeentwicklung in 7 Tagen bedeutet Entwicklung von Kirchgemeinden auf neue und frische Weise. Die in diesem Praxisbuch vorgestellten konkreten Aufbrüche und Entwicklungen einzelner Gemeinden der …