MMCS 2008.- Partial Differential Equations for Interpolation and Compression of Surfaces.- Construction of Rational Curves with Rational Rotation-Minimizing Frames via Möbius Transformations.- Fat Arcs for Implicitly Defined Curves.- Geometric Properties of the Adaptive Delaunay Tessellation.- Quadrangular Parameterization for Reverse Engineering.- A Comparison of Three Commodity-Level Parallel Architectures: Multi-core CPU, Cell BE and GPU.- Mean Distance from a Curve to Its Control Polygon.- Compactly Supported Splines with Tension Properties on a Three-Direction Mesh.- Some Geometrical Aspects of Control Points for Toric Patches.- A Comparison of Different Progressive Iteration Approximation Methods.- A Topological Lattice Refinement Descriptor for Subdivision Schemes.- Subdivision Schemes and Norms.- Geometric Design Using Space Curves with Rational Rotation-Minimizing Frames.- Multiresolution Analysis for Minimal Energy C r -Surfaces on Powell-Sabin Type Meshes.- Segmentation of 3D Tubular Structures by a PDE-Based Anisotropic Diffusion Model.- Smoothing the Antagonism between Extraordinary Vertex and Ordinary Neighbourhood on Subdivision Surfaces.- Simplification of FEM-Models on Cell BE.- Effects of Noise on Quantized Triangle Meshes.- Reparameterization of Curves and Surfaces with Respect to Their Convolution.- An Introduction to Guided and Polar Surfacing.- An Iterative Algorithm with Joint Sparsity Constraints for Magnetic Tomography.- Constructing Good Coefficient Functionals for Bivariate C 1 Quadratic Spline Quasi-Interpolants.- Sampling and Stability.- Shape Preserving Hermite Interpolation by Rational Biquadratic Splines.- Tensor Product B-Spline Mesh Generation for Accurate Surface Visualizations in the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions.- Low Degree Euclidean and Minkowski Pythagorean Hodograph Curves.- On the Local Approximation Power of Quasi-Hierarchical Powell-Sabin Splines.- Logarithmic Curvature and Torsion Graphs.