A multidisciplinary reference of engineering measurement
tools, techniques, and applications–Volume 2
‘When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express
it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot
measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge
is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of
knowledge, but you have scarcely in your thoughts advanced to the
stage of science.’ — Lord Kelvin
Measurement falls at the heart of any engineering discipline and
job function. Whether engineers are attempting to state
requirements quantitatively and demonstrate compliance; to track
progress and predict results; or to analyze costs and benefits,
they must use the right tools and techniques to produce meaningful,
useful data.
The Handbook of Measurement in Science and Engineering is
the most comprehensive, up-to-date reference set on engineering
measurements–beyond anything on the market today. Encyclopedic
in scope, Volume 2 spans several disciplines–Materials
Properties and Testing, Instrumentation, and Measurement
Standards–and covers:
* Viscosity Measurement
* Corrosion Monitoring
* Thermal Conductivity of Engineering Materials
* Optical Methods for the Measurement of Thermal
* Properties of Metals and Alloys
* Electrical Properties of Polymers
* Testing of Metallic Materials
* Testing and Instrumental Analysis for Plastics Processing
* Analytical Tools for Estimation of Particulate Composite
Material Properties
* Input and Output Characteristics
* Measurement Standards and Accuracy
* Tribology Measurements
* Surface Properties Measurement
* Plastics Testing
* Mechanical Properties of Polymers
* Nondestructive Inspection
* Ceramics Testing
* Instrument Statics
* Signal Processing
* Bridge Transducers
* Units and Standards
* Measurement Uncertainty
* Data Acquisition and Display Systems
Vital for engineers, scientists, and technical managers in
industry and government, Handbook of Measurement in Science and
Engineering will also prove ideal for members of major
engineering associations and academics and researchers at
universities and laboratories.
MYER KUTZ holds engineering degrees from MIT and RPI. He
was vice president and general manager of Wiley’s STM Division and
has consulted and/or authored for most of the major professional
and technical publishing houses. He is the author of nine books and
the editor of more than a dozen handbooks.