This is the story of the first Blitz and the first Battle of Britain, featuring a full account of the first Zeppelin crash site excavation and also covering airfields, gun sites, searchlights, and radio listening posts. The book features contemporary accounts and archive photographs alongside the reports and photographs from the excavations, including Hunstanton, Monkhams, Chingford and North Weald Basset, the Lea Valley, Potters Bar and Theberton. Written in collaboration between academic archaeologists and aviation enthusiasts/metal detectorists, this fascinating project has also been the subject of a BBC2 Timewatch documentary.
NEIL FAULKNER is an Honorary Research Fellow at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London. He is a freelance lecturer in archaeology and ancient history as well as being Director of the Sedgeford Historical and Archaeological Research project in north-west Norfolk, where he is excavating a Saxon village and cemetery.