Apologetics? What is that? Isn’t that for theologians and pastors?
These are the rebuttals one might receive when encouraging Christians to learn and engage in apologetics, the defense of the Christian faith. This book isn’t about apologetics per se. Instead, it reviews the many benefits for Christians engaging in apologetics and learning about it. Dr. Almodovar reviews what aspects of the field helped strengthen her own faith and brought excitement in bringing the good news of the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ as she spoke with those who aren’t Christians. Over the past years, Dr. Almodovar has actively engaged in encouraging Christians to actually do apologetics and many have come back to her saying it not only helped them answer the questions of non-believers but strengthened their own faith knowing now the great amount of evidence there is for the Christian religion. If you’ve never engaged in defending the faith, now is the time to learn how it will benefit you in your walk with Christ and perhaps excite you to dig a little deeper so you too can answer their questions about Jesus, his life, death, and resurrection for the forgiveness of all our sins.
Nancy A. Almodovar grew up in a Pentecostal home and eventually became a Reformed Christian. She has been a speaker and author for over a decade and converted to Lutheranism as a truer expression of the Scriptures. During this time, Nancy earned a doctorate in philosophy and apologetics (Trinity), a masters of theology (Trinity) and a masters of Christian studies (Luther Rice Seminary), and is currently working on a Fellow at the International Academy of Apologetics and Human Rights (Strasbourg). She is also a Fellow at the university where she teaches as a professor of world religions. She is the author of over twenty books, one on the problem of evil, Faith Seeking Consolation, and one on her journey out of charismatic theology, A Modern 95: Questions for Today’s Evangelicals and Accidental Lutheran, her story of converting to Lutheranism2242. The Apostolic Model for Defending the Faith – Dr. Nancy Almodovar, 8/12/21You Tube: Lutheran Girl: Proclaiming and Defending the Faith Issues, Etc.: Paths to Lutheranism: From Calvinism – Dr. Nancy Almodovar Issues, Etc.: Nancy Almodovar, Should Lutherans De-Emphasize the Sacraments to Attract People?