All beliefs, convictions, assumptions & theories, about the universe & about life are set aside. Evidence for or against a conviction is examined in an easy-to-read format using only Objective Methodology. Stephen Hawking’s & Religion’s answers to life’s Big Questions are systematically appraised. Assume nothing! Use only proven facts! Rank the strengths & levels of evidence. Do not make up evidence to prove a preconceived theory. Use probabilities, mathematics, & statistics. Reach the most accurate conclusions.
The aim of this book is not to choose between science & religion but to find the Least Incorrect Answers to the Big Questions.
Ned Abraham is a surgeon & a clinical academic. He graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine with Honours (Distinction). He studied ‘Evidence’ & obtained the Degrees of a Master of Medicine in Biostatistics & Ph D in Evidwnce-Based Surgery (Sydney). He is a Fellow of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of England & of Australasia. He has been an invited guest speaker at multiple international meetings. His published work about ‘Evidence’ has been cited in the literature close to two thousand times. He was an A/Professor of Surgery at UNSW Australia for 17 years & a Captain in the Australian Army Reserve for 10 years. He served in war torn Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, & Solomon Islands.