作者: Neil Robertson

Neil Robertson is a self-employed digital marketing consultant, travel writer and blogger. Focusing solely on the Scottish tourism industry, he covers the entirety of Scotland unearthing its best bits and striving to bring travellers to the shores. Neil works closely with all the major players in the industry and is one of the UK’s leading travel bloggers as “Travels with a Kilt”. Based in his home city of Glasgow, he travels the length and breadth of Scotland on an on-going basis as a writer, presenter at industry events, podcast host for Visit Scotland and occasional radio broadcaster.

8 电子书 Neil Robertson

Peter Skabara & Mohammad Azad Malik: Nanostructured Materials for Type III Photovoltaics
Materials for type III solar cells have branched into a series of generic groups. These include organic ‘small molecule’ and polymer conjugated structures, fullerenes, quantum dots, copper indium gal …
Peter Skabara & Mohammad Azad Malik: Nanostructured Materials for Type III Photovoltaics
Materials for type III solar cells have branched into a series of generic groups. These include organic ‘small molecule’ and polymer conjugated structures, fullerenes, quantum dots, copper indium gal …
Neil Robertson: Graph Structure Theory
This volume contains the proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Graph Minors, held at the University of Washington in Seattle in the summer of 1991. Among the topics cove …
Neil Robertson: Excluding Infinite Clique Minors
Two of the authors proved a well-known conjecture of K. Wagner, that in any infinite set of finite graphs there are two graphs so that one is a minor of the other. A key lemma was a theorem about the …
Gordon McOuat & Neil Robertson: Descartes and the Modern
Descartes is not simply our iconic modern philosopher, mathematician or scientist. He stands as the cultural symbol for modernity itself. As such, Descartes is widely read in and out of universities …
Rabah Boukherroub & Satishchandra B. OGALE: Nanostructured Photocatalysts
Nanostructured Photocatalysts: From Materials to Applications in Solar Fuels and Environmental Remediation addresses the different properties of nanomaterials-based heterogeneous photocatalysis. Hete …
Neil Robertson: The Little History of Glasgow
Glaswegians are talkers, blaggers and storytellers. They love to wind each other up and to trigger a debate. They are friendly, no question, but it’s more than just friendliness behind that desire fo …
David Peddle & Neil Robertson: Philosophy and Freedom
James Doull”s remarkable legacy as a teacher, scholar, and thinker has left behind a profound and challenging examination of the philosophical and historical roots of contemporary thought and politi …