This book takes a systematic approach to nanotoxicology and the developing risk factors associated with nanosized particles during manufacture and use of nanotechnology. Beginning with a detailed introduction to engineered nanostructures, the first part of the book presents concepts and definitions of nanomaterials from quantum dots to graphene to fullerenes, with detailed discussion of functionalization, stability, and medical and biological applications. The second part critically examines methodologies used to assess cytotoxicity and genotoxicity. Coverage includes interactions with blood (erythrocytes), combinatorial and microarray techniques, cellular mechanisms, and ecotoxicology assessments. Part three describes cases studies both in vitro and in vivo for specific nanomaterials including solid lipid nanoparticles and nanostructured lipid carriers and metallic nanoparticles and metallic oxides. New information is also presented on toxicological aspects of poloxamers and polymeric nanoparticles as drug carriers as well as size effects on cytotoxicity and genotoxicity. Didactic aspects are emphasized in all chapters, making the book suitable for a broad audience ranging from advanced undergraduate and graduate students to researchers in academia and industry. In all, Nanotoxicology: Materials, Methodologies, and Assessments will provide comprehensive insight into biological and environmental interactions with nanostructures.
- Provides an introduction to nanostructures actually in use
- Describes cyto- and genotoxicity methodologies, and assesses their performance in comparison to common toxicity assays
- Discusses the relation of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity to ecotoxicity
- Presents a range of applications, from biogenic silver nanoparticles to poloxamers as drug-delivery systems, reflecting the expanding applications of nanotechnology
Foreword.- Preface.- Chapter 1: Nanomaterials.- Chapter 2: Concepts and Methodology of Interaction of Carbon Nanostructures with Cellular Systems.- Chapter 3: Nanostability.- Chapter 4: Pharmacokinetics and Phamacodynamics of Nanomaterials.- Chapter 5: In Vitro Cytotoxicity Assays of Nanoparticles on Different Cell Lines.- Chapter 6: Carbon Nanotubes: From Synthesis to Genotoxicity.- Chapter 7: From Combinatorial Display Techniques to Microarray Technology: New Approaches to the Development and Toxicological Profiling of Targeted Nanomedicines.- Chapter 8: Genetic Studies on the Effects of Nanomaterials.- Chapter 9: Cellular Mechanisms in Nanomaterial Internalization, Intracellular Trafficking and Toxicity.- Chapter 10: Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles.- Chapter 11: Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity of Biogenically Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles.- Chapter 12: Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity of Iron Oxides Nanoparticles.- Chapter 13: Poloxamers as Drug-Delivery Systems: Physico-Chemical, Pharmaceutical And Toxicological Aspects.- Chapter 14: Polymeric Nanoparticles: In Vivo Toxicological Evaluation, Cardiotoxicity and Hepatotoxicity.- Chapter 15: Cyto, Geno and Ecotoxicity of Copper Nanoparticles.- Chapter 16: Accessing the Erythrocyte Toxicity of Nanomaterials: From Current Methods to Biomolecular Surface Chemistry Interactions.- Index.