作者: Netherlands) Buyse Antoine (University of Utrecht


4 电子书 Netherlands) Buyse Antoine (University of Utrecht

Oddny Mjoll (University of Iceland) Arnardottir & Antoine (University of Utrecht, Netherlands) Buyse: Shifting Centres of Gravity in Human Rights Protection
This book brings together researchers from the fields of international human rights law, EU law and constitutional law to reflect on the tug-of-war over the positioning of the centre of gravity of hu …
Oddny Mjoll (University of Iceland) Arnardottir & Antoine (University of Utrecht, Netherlands) Buyse: Shifting Centres of Gravity in Human Rights Protection
This book brings together researchers from the fields of international human rights law, EU law and constitutional law to reflect on the tug-of-war over the positioning of the centre of gravity of hu …
Rosemarie (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) Buikema & Antoine (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) Buyse: Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights
In Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights the combined analytical efforts of the fields of human rights law, conflict studies, anthropology, history, media studies, gender studies, and critical race …
Rosemarie (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) Buikema & Antoine (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) Buyse: Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights
In Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights the combined analytical efforts of the fields of human rights law, conflict studies, anthropology, history, media studies, gender studies, and critical race …