Nicholas Brownlees is Full Professor of English Language at the University of Florence, Italy. He has written extensively on early modern news and, more generally, on the dissemination of knowledge in a historical perspective. His publications include The Language of Periodical News in Seventeenth-Century England (2011), several edited and co-edited collections of essays, including News Discourse in Early Modern Britain (2006), and a number of journal articles and book chapters. He is the co-compiler of the Florence Early English Newspapers (FEEN) corpus and founder of the CHINED series of conferences on historical news discourse.
8 电子书 Nicholas Brownlees
Nicholas Brownlees: Language of Periodical News in Seventeenth-Century England
This volume follows the beginnings and development of seventeenth-century English periodical print news and sees how contemporary news writers shaped their news discourse over the decades. Interdisci …
Nicholas Brownlees & Roberto Facchinetti: News as Changing Texts
The updated and revised edition of this volume maintains its focus on the dialectic interrelation between ‘news’ and ‘change’. News is intended as a textual type in its evolutionary – and revolutiona …
Birte Boes & Roberto Facchinetti: News as Changing Texts
This book focuses on the dialectic interrelation between ‘news’ and ‘change’, whereby news is intended as a textual type in its evolutionary – and revolutionary – development, while change is discuss …
Nicholas Brownlees & John Denton: Language of Public and Private Communication in a Historical Perspective
This volume examines a fundamental concept of language within a historical perspective. The concept is that of public and private communication, the historical period ranges from the late middle ages …
Nicholas Brownlees: Language of Discovery, Exploration and Settlement
This volume offers the first fully-focused study on the language and discourse employed in historical accounts of discovery, exploration and settlement, stretching from the 16th to 19th centuries, an …
Nicholas Brownlees: Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Volume 1
Consisting of twenty-eight chapters and numerous case studies the volume examines the history of the British and Irish press from its seventeenth-century beginnings up until the end of the eighteenth …
Nicholas Brownlees: Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Volume 1
Consisting of twenty-eight chapters and numerous case studies the volume examines the history of the British and Irish press from its seventeenth-century beginnings up until the end of the eighteenth …
Adrian Bingham & Nicholas Brownlees: Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press
A definitive account of newspaper and periodical press history across England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales covering 1650 to the present day.At various points over the last 400 years, key political, e …