Nik Brown is Professor in Science and Technology Studies at the Department of Sociology at the University of York, UK. He writes extensively on key debates in the politics of biomedicine and the sociology of the body.
3 电子书 Nik Brown
Nik Brown: Immunitary Life
This book explores the growing intellectual interest in the politics of immunity. It argues that taking an ‘immunitary perspective’ is necessary if we are to better appreciate the body as a site of p …
Nik Brown & Brian Rappert: Contested Futures
In a unique volume, Contested Futures brings together a group of scholars to examine the relationships between social action and the future. Rather than speculating upon what the future might bring, …
Nik Brown & Brian Rappert: Contested Futures
In a unique volume, Contested Futures brings together a group of scholars to examine the relationships between social action and the future. Rather than speculating upon what the future might bring, …