作者: Nikolaus Netzer

Adjunct Prof. Helmut Frohnhofen is a physician for internal medicine, geriatrics, palliative medicine and sleep medicine. He is also a somnologist (DGSM) and a member of the Faculty of Health at the University of Witten-Herdecke. He is head of the Department of Geriatric Medicine at the Alfried Krupp Hospital in Essen. Prof. Nikolaus Netzer is a physician for internal medicine, pneumologist, geriatrician and sleep physician as well as a somnologist (DGSM and ESRS). He heads the Ghersburg Geriatric Clinic in Bad Aibling and the Hermann Buhl Institute for Hypoxia and Sleep Medicine Research. He also works at the Institute for Sports Science at the University of Innsbruck.

3 电子书 Nikolaus Netzer

Helmut Frohnhofen & Nikolaus Netzer: Schlaf und Schlafstörungen im höheren Lebensalter
Sleep disorders are a side effect of many illnesses and therefore occur frequently an advanced age. This book initially explains sleep-regulating mechanisms as well as important concepts in sleep med …
Helmut Frohnhofen & Nikolaus Netzer: Schlaf und Schlafstörungen im höheren Lebensalter
Sleep disorders are a side effect of many illnesses and therefore occur frequently an advanced age. This book initially explains sleep-regulating mechanisms as well as important concepts in sleep med …
Nikolaus Netzer & Detlev Hagemann: Das Praxisbuch zu QuarkXPress für Windows & Mac
Quark XPress 2017 bietet einen Werkzeugkasten zur kreativen Gestaltung: von einfachen Flyern über umfassende Publikationen in Buchform bis hin zu Zeitschriften und Plakaten. So können Sie Ihre Dokume …