作者: Norma S. Guerra

Norma S. Guerra is a nationally certified school psychologist and a licensed professional counselor-supervisor. Her research interests include social cognitive problem solving, self-regulation, attention, and engagement styles. Dr. Guerra is the author of Clinical Problem Solving Case Management, which addresses attention toward positive change.

3 电子书 Norma S. Guerra

Norma S. Guerra: Clinical Problem Solving
Clinical Problem Solving Case Management provides an innovative approach to client mental health skill development. The LIBRE Model (Listen-Identify-Brainstorm-Reality test-Encourage) and LIBRE Model …
Norma S Guerra: Teacher Candidate Problem-Solving Engagement Styles
Students continue to be bombarded with technology, social media and demands on their attention, this book represents fifteen years of data collection presented within two case studies. Demonstrated …
Lorena Claeys & Martha Enciso: Student Leadership Model for Hispanic Serving and Emerging Hispanic Serving Institutions
Although empirical evidence indicates that HSIs (Hispanic Serving Institutions) are making some progress in recognizing that enhancing the racial and cultural experiences of Latino/a/x students, …