The Cypher Puzzle Book is a unique idea in the genre of puzzle books. Part 1 consists of two stories about a spaceship called Ghost, and its crew, that has an interplanetary mission of dumping inhabited planet waste into the atmosphere of Venus. The embedded text translates into lyrics of songs. In future works, the Ghost adventures will continue as the underlying text varies.
Part 2 is a poem within a poem. As a level 3 puzzle, the embedded poem is a bit harder to decipherbut hopefully enjoyable and thought provoking. Part 2 of future work will be a level 2 or level 3 puzzle of varying topics. In Metamorphosis, we have a surface poem that is metaphysical as well as historical. The embedded poem is about a monarch butterfly.
The answers to these puzzles will be provided in the next edition.
The author retired a lieutenant colonel from the United States Air Force in 2007. His military career spanned nearly two and a half decades as a pilot and staff officer. Tom also retired as executive officer from the Kenjya Group Inc., where he served as the vice president of finance until his retirement in January 2014. He is currently devoted to writing full-time. He is credited with an original idea concerning first digits of the Fibonacci sequence, termed the “Tojaaldi Sequence.”
He resides in Ashburn, Virginia.