EDITORSAMIN AL-AHMAD MDTexas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute at St. David’s Medical Center, Austin, TexasDAVID J. CALLANS MDUniversity of Pennsylvania Health System, Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaHENRY H. HSIA MDUniversity of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CaliforniaANDREA NATALE MDTexas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute at St. David’s Medical Center, Austin, TexasOSCAR OSEROFF MDBazterrica Clinic, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPAUL J. WANG MDStanford University, Stanford, California
2 电子书 Oscar Oseroff
Amin Al-Ahmad & David J. Callans: Hands-On Ablation
Clinically useful approaches for the effective diagnosis and ablation of arrhythmias. This updated and expanded Hands-On Ablation, The Experts’ Approach, Second Edition is a comprehensive and unique …
Amin Al-Ahmad & David Callans: Hands-On Ablation, The Experts’ Approach, Third Edition
Clinically valuable approaches for the effective diagnosis and ablation of cardiac arrhythmias. Five years after the publication of the second edition, this updated and expanded Hands-On Ablation, Th …