Urethral stricture disease is a vast entity encompassing many different pathologies that can affect the entire urethra. Surgical treatment can vary greatly depending on the location, length, severity, and etiology of urethral disease. Furthermore, over the past few decades, multiple techniques and concepts have been developed and described that further improve patient outcomes but complexify urethral stricture management for reconstructive urologists who must be up to date on all established and novel techniques.
This book aims to provide a detailed, descriptive atlas of all types of urethroplasty. Each chapter will provide a detailed step-by-step description of each surgery and detailed intraoperative photographs for visual aid. The tips and tricks and management algorithms of this book will make this book an indispensable reference for the novice reconstructive urologist.
Ch1 Ergonomics of urethroplasty.- Ch2 Harvesting of oral mucosa grafts.- Ch3Female anterior onlay BMG urethroplasty.- Ch4 Ventral onlay BMG urethroplasty.- Ch5 Double-faced BMG urethroplasty.- Ch6 Blandy flap female urethroplasty.- Ch7 EPA and augmented anastomotic urethroplasty.- Ch8 Non-transecting bulbar urethroplasty.- Ch9 Jordan vessel-sparing urethroplasty.- Ch10 Ventral onlay bulbar urethroplasty.- Ch11 Dorsal onlay bulbar urethroplasty.- Ch12 The Joshi Step.- Ch13 Novel dorsal approaches to proximal bulbar strictures.- Ch14 Flaps for bulbar urethroplasty.- Ch15 Circumcising approaches to the penile urethral stricture.- Ch16 Penile inversion approaches to the penile urethral stricture.- Ch17 Staged approaches to penile urethral strictures.- Ch18 Staged approaches to panurethral strictures.- Ch19 One-stage panurethroplasty.- Ch20 Simplified concepts and algorithms in hypospadias surgery.- Ch21 Tubularized incised plate (TIP) hypospadias repair.- Ch22 Grafted tubularized incised plate (G-TIP) hypospadias repair..- Ch23 Proximal Hypospadias.- Ch24 Chordee correction during hypospadias repair.- Ch25 Single Staged approaches to proximal hypospadias repair.- Ch 26 Epispadias repair.- Ch27 Anastomotic urethroplasty for PFUI.- Ch28 Predicting Pubectomy in PFUI repair.- Ch29 Mastering Pubectomy.- Ch30 Abdominal approach to PFUI.- Ch31 Jordan skin flap for fossa navicularis strictures.- Ch32 Lotus petal flap.- Ch33 Preputial skin flap for bulbar necrosis.- Ch34 Gracilis flap for Rectourethral fistula.- Ch35 Transurethral inlay BMG distal urethroplasty.- Ch36 Glans preserving Technique.- Ch37 Standard technique for semi-rigid and inflatable penile implants.- Ch38 Tricks for penile implant insertion after urethroplasty.- Ch39 Early and late complications of penile implants.- Ch40 Penile lengthening surgery.- Ch41 Algorithms in urethral surgery.- Ch42 How I would do it.
Dr. Pankaj M Joshi MS, DNB (Gold Medal), fellowship in Reconstructive Urology. He is passionate about his work and an avid researcher. He has written 16 book chapters and published 114 manuscripts in reputed journals. Dr. Joshi won the prestigious IAUA Chakraborty Fellowship in 2018 in partnership with the Cleveland Clinic. He has numerous presentation prizes from the Urology Society of India.
Dr Joshi is a faculty teacher for the GURS and Maharashtra University Fellowship program in reconstructive urology in Pune, India. Dr Pankaj has operated in over 28 countries as faculty. Dr Pankaj Joshi’s specialties include urethral strictures, hypospadias, pelvic fracture, artificial sphincters, and insertion of penile prosthesis. He is ranked in the top 1% of Reconstructive Urologists in the world.
Dr Sanjay Kulkarni MS, FRCS is a B C Roy awardee from President of India. Dr. Kulkarni established the Centre for Reconstructive Urology in 1995 and “UROKUL” in 2023, in Pune which is a 100-bed single specialty hospital and training center. The center performs among the largest number of genito-urinary reconstructive surgeries in the world today. Dr. Sanjay Kulkarni has been invited by faculty in over 50 countries to demonstrate surgery. The “Kulkarni Urethroplasty” for panurethral strictures is published in the widely popular American textbook Hinman’s Atlas of Urology. Dr Kulkarni has authored a chapter on Urethra and Penis in the 2022 Edition of Love and Bailey, Practice of Surgery. He is ranked in the top 1% of Reconstructive Urologists in the world.
Dr Melanie Aubé-Peterkin is currently an Assistant Professor of Urology at Mc Gill University Health Center in Montréal, Canada, the second-largest hospital in the province of Québec. Dr Aubé-Peterkin is the author or co-author of over 30 publications and book chapters. She is also credited with over 100 peer-reviewed meeting abstracts and presentations and invited speaking appearances at national and international conferences, such as the Canadian Urological Association, American Urological Association, and Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU). Dr. Aubé-Peterkin also specializes in BPH and prostate enucleation and is a proctor in Canada for teaching Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (Ho LEP) to local urologists.
Dr Govind Datar earned his master’s in surgery from M.S. University, Baroda in 1968. Dr Datar became the head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery at KEM Hospital, Pune. Dr Datar has always been keenly interested in finding a good surgical solution for bladder exstrophy and its variants. Dr Datar developed a namesake technique that can be customized to suit any patient in the entire spectrum of variations, included under the class Exstrophy Complex. Dr Datar received many awards for his work, The Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons recognized his lifetime work on bladder exstrophy complex by giving him the Prof. K. C. Sogani Gold Medal (2020).