作者: Patricia Rodriguez

Lontoossa asuva ja työskentelevä Patricia Rodríguez on Valladolidissa, Pohjois-Espanjassa, vuonna 1975 syntynyt kirjailija. Hän on opiskellut taiteita Middlesexin yliopistossa ja on toiminut mm. El Paisin ja Vanity Fairin avustajana. Vuonna 2002 hän perusti taide- ja kirjallisuuslehti Kilimanjaron. Hän on työskennellyt mm. käsikirjoittajana ja copywriterina. Hänen ensimmäinen teoksensa, romaani 19 Pulgadas (El Aleph Editores, 2008) oli arvostelumenestys. Pako Takaisin (La Huida Inversa, El Desvelo Ediciones, 2015) on transsendenttinen kuvaus ahdistuneen minäkertojan, nuoren naisen, matkasta sisimpäänsä David Lynchin elokuvien hengessä. Lynchin vaikutus tulee esille jo romaanin Concorde-aiheisessa motossa – Lynch matkusti Concordella tavan takaa. Teoksen road trip etenee pakotteettomasti maissa, merillä ja ilmassa kadotetun menneisyyden – mm. brittiläisen imperiumin ja toisen maailmansodan kaikujen – ja kiihtyvän, unettoman nykyisyyden muodostamassa jet-lag-tilassa. Kirjailijan kieli on lyyrisen karua proosaa, jossa jokainen virke on harkittu ja puhtaaksi siistitty. Eräiltä osin Joseph Conradin kirjailijaääneen viittaava teksti soljuu odottavassa tunnelmassa, eikä mitään ylimääräistä paljasteta edes lopussa. Teoksen kokonaisuutta sävyttävät kulttuuriset viitteet, jotka tekevät lukukokemuksesta unenomaisen matkan paitsi ihmisen tietoisuuteen ja räjähdysalttiiseen tunnetilaan, myös subjektiivisesti koettuun aikakauteen.

19 电子书 Patricia Rodriguez

Manuel B. Hoyos & Patricia Rodríguez: Pan…Por Favor
PAN POR FAVOR, es una invitacin para fomentar la lectura con pensamientos positivos para tu vida. Libro para compartir dilogos y fortalecer tu espritu. Libro de reflexin que parte de la misma vida co …
Patricia Rodriguez: The Hunted Becomes The Hunter
Sara had been raised to know that she was the product of a lab experiment 120 years before. Since then two party’s didn’t know she existed. Her father and the Militant. The day she was introduced to …
Patricia Rodriguez: To Change History: Preamble of the Constitution
Jamie and Jacob go back in time on a historic adventure to 1786. Once there they help Gouverneur Morris write the preamble to the United States Constitution. They find that history is more exciting t …
Patricia Rodriguez: Chrystal’s Dragon Heart
Chrystal was so alone! She’d lost the one man she thought was her mate. After his death she ran but she only got so far before she had to face the facts. One Devon hadn’t been her mate and two her he …
Patricia Rodriguez: Tarsa: Fire Princess
Tarsa is terrified of her heat. She could burn a man alive without any effort. But when she is forced to marry a man she’s never met she runs away. Only to be kidnapped and held prisoner. She’ll be r …
Patricia Rodriguez: Experiment Unleashed-Prequel
This is the first four chapters of Experiment Unleashed watch for the full book to be sold in December 2013. Josie had been married to a mad man after his death she was pulled into his madness. She f …
Patricia Rodriguez: Experiment Unleashed
Enjoy the completed book-Experiment Unleashed Josie had been married to a mad man. After his death she was pulled into his madness. She finds herself in the arms of one of her late husband’s experime …
Patricia Rodriguez: Things Will Never Be the Same….
The Mayans had it right the world ended in December 2012! Remi lost everything, her husband, her two boys and her past! After a strange fog transported Remi to 2233, she finds she must learn to adjus …
Patricia Rodriguez: Shifter’s Gate
Jasmine couldn't explain her luck. She could walk into any room and attract the scum of the earth. So she was surprised when she met handsome Xavier. He carried himself with an out of this world …
Patricia Rodriguez: My Angel Fallen
Jamie had lost the love of her life. Or so she told herself. Every year for the past three years, she has visited his grave and every year she would feel a presence. She thought it was his spirit and …
Patricia Rodriguez: Unexpected Miles
Though Miles thought he would find his mate, he never dreamed he’d find her in a cell several levels below ground. He was at odds with himself, to keep his mate safe, or push her away.  The reas …
Patricia Rodriguez: Lost Love Found
The year is 2113. When he came to he was lying on a hard metal table, someone with a mask covering their face was coming at him with a syringe. He couldn’t move, he was strapped to the table. The sme …
Patricia Rodríguez: Pako takaisin
Kulttiohjaaja David Lynchin vaikutuspiirissä kiitävä unenomainen road trip. Espanjalaisen Patricia Rodríguezin (s.1975) teoksessa nainen tekee matkaa sisimpäänsä mahdollisuuksien Kaliforniassa, imper …
Donna Milner: After River
Growing up in the 1960s on a dairy farm in the mountains of British Columbia, Natalie Ward knew little of the outside world. But she had her family. A family so close and loving that Natalie believed …
Heather O’Neill: Lullabies for Little Criminals
‘Like Angela Carter, she is relentlessly inventive’ Sunday Times’Full of pathos, spirit and iridescent innocence’ Independent on Sunday The first novel by the author of The Lonely Hearts Hotel12-year …
Patricia Rodríguez: La huida inversa
La oscuridad seductora de California y la supersticiosa ciudad de Los Ángeles. La obsesión británica con su glorioso pasado imperial. Los ecos de la segunda guerra mundial. El triunfo de una sociedad …
Patricia Rodríguez: Pinar, piscina, plenilunio
Tres relatos de larga extensión, con nexos en común entre ellos, sobre la soterrada violencia y toxicidad que bulle bajo la epidermis de los cotidiano, constituyen ‘Pinar, piscina, plenilunio’, de Pa …
Patricia Rodriguez: Amancay
Es en el corazón del Pantanal donde Sofía se reencuentra con su amado y da a luz a una dulce criatura, Amancay. Tras una dramática circunstancia, la vida de la niña se enlaza con la de Vicente, amigo …
Patricia Rodríguez: Hijos del salar
Hijos del salar es la historia de cuatro amigos de la comarca andina que comienzan a indagar sobre la existencia de vidas pasadas. Así, establecen contacto con Rogelio, un hombre que se encuentra en …