Paul Lapchak is the director of translational neurodegenerative disease research at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in California. Dr. Lapchak obtained his Ph.D. at Mc Gill University and University of Southern California. His lab focuses on developing new therapeutic approaches to treat different types of stroke as well as experimenting with neuroprotective agents. In addition, his research extends to drug development using the rabbit embolic stroke model and multiple assay methods. Dr. Lapchak is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology and associate editor of the journal Translational Stroke Research. With over twenty years of experience and numerous publications, Dr. Lapchak is a leading expert in his field of translational stroke research.
John Zhang is doctor and professor in the departments of Anesthesiology, Neurosurgery, Neurology, and Physiology at the Loma Linda University School of Medicine in California. He obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Alberta, Canada and his MD at Chongqing University of Medical Sciences, China. His lab focuses on hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke, specifically on cerebral vascular biology, neuroprotection, gene therapy, signaling pathways, and apoptosis. Dr. Zhang is on the editorial boards of the journals Surgical Neurology and Neurological Research. Coauthor of countless publications, Dr. Zhang is also a member of several professional societies and participates in current discussions of stroke disease research and neuroprotection.
4 电子书 Paul A. Lapchak
Paul A. Lapchak & John H. Zhang: Translational Stroke Research
This volume sets a basis for effective translational research. Authored by experts in the field of translational stroke research, each chapter specifically addresses one or more components of preclin …
Paul A. Lapchak & John H. Zhang: Neuroprotective Therapy for Stroke and Ischemic Disease
A critical and comprehensive look at current state-of-the-art scientific and translational research being conducted internationally, in academia and industry, to address new ways to provide effective …
Paul A. Lapchak & John H. Zhang: Cellular and Molecular Approaches to Regeneration and Repair
This book discusses recent advances in the field of translational stroke research. The editors have designed the book to provide new insight into the importance of regeneration and repair mechan …
Paul A. Lapchak & Guo-Yuan Yang: Translational Research in Stroke
This book mainly discusses the current status of stroke transnational research and allows the reader to understand the interplay of common comorbidities in the stroke population such as diabetes and …