If you feel like youre stuck in a rut, it might help to know that youre not alone.
Paul Knox was in the exact same position several years ago, coming home and paying billsstaving off boredom as best as he could.
Thats when he embarked on a personal journey that led him to spiritual wisdom that has helped him accept that hes part of a universal energy that runs through everyone and everything in the universe.
In this guidebook to personal fulfillment, he shares tips on how to:
find a path that leads to personal fulfillment;
use the Law of Attraction to get what you want;
stop worrying about where your next dollar is coming from; and
pursue passions that bring joy into your life.
By taking a hard look at your life, its possible to overcome obstacles that are holding you back so you can live your dream life. It starts with realizing that youre more than your body and circumstances so you can Wake Up to Yourself.
Paul Knox is a plasterer by trade and owns his own business. He and his wife, Marina, have found a new purpose since embarking on a spiritual journey several years ago. They live in Queensland, Australia.