By integrating star studies and film industry studies, Hollywood
Stardom reveals the inextricable bonds between culture and
commerce in contemporary notions of film stardom.
* Integrates the traditions of star studies and industry studies
to establish an original and innovative mode of analysis whereby
the ‘star image’ is replaced with the ‘star
* Offers the first extensive analysis of stardom in the
‘post-studio’ era
* Combines genre, narrative, acting, and discourse analysis with
aspects of marketing theory and the economic analysis of the film
* Draws on an extensive body of research data not previously
deployed in film scholarship
* A wide range of star examples are explored including George
Clooney, Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise, Daniel Day-Lewis, Tom Hanks, Will
Smith, and Julia Roberts
List of Figures vii
List of Tables ix
Acknowledgments x
Introduction 1
Part One: Star Business 9
1 The Symbolic Commerce of Hollywood Stardom 11
2 Star-as-Brand 41
3 The Extraordinary Ordinariness of Tom Hanks 65
Part Two: Star System 85
4 Post-Studio Stardom 87
5 Money and Talent 123
6 ‘The Will Smith Business’ 155
Part Three: Star Performance 179
7 Spectacular Acts 181
8 Prestige Stardom and the Awards System 215
9 Starring Julia Roberts 254
10 Conclusion 281
Appendix: Academy Award Nominees and Winners in the Actress and
Actor in a Leading Role Categories, 1990-2009 285
References 291
Index 315
Paul Mc Donald is Chair of Creative Industries at the
University of Nottingham. He is the author of The Star System:
Hollywood’s Production of Popular Identities (2000) and
Video and DVD Industries (2007), and co-editor of The
Contemporary Hollywood Film Industry (2008).