Where Love Is, is a story told in verse and drawings, dealing with visiting the different parts of ourselves, and how, ‘I’m never too sure just who I will find, when I go inside to visit my mind. Sometimes myself is terribly sad, and sometimes myself is totally glad.’ After illustrations of experiencing different feelings, the story ends with, ‘When I go to visit myself today. if I find that I don’t want to come out and play, I won’t be upset that I came to call, I’ll go in and give me a hug, that’s all.’
After living for thirty years in a 100-year old log cabin in the Colorado mountains, Peggy was widowed. She moved to Boulder where her only mate now is her precious Ragdoll pussy cat, Joey. She has three grown children and two grandchildren. To learn more about Peggy and her other books, please visit www.womensreads.com.