Fresh, inclusive, creation-conscious prayers to nourish your soul—and the soul of your worship community.
‘We are called to name the extravagant wildness of God, the overflowing abundance of creation, and the deep aching need of a broken world in new words and images that speak to contemporary concerns…. [These prayers] are an invitation to pray boldly.’
—from the Introduction
This special prayerbook is for today’s Christians who find comfort in the rhythm of the traditional lectionary but long to connect with God in ways that are satisfying to the modern heart and mind. Founded on creativity, inclusivity and sharing, it encourages us to remember the divine elements of the natural world around us as we express our hopes and fears for others and ourselves. Inspiring words help us give thanks for human inventions and lament the evils of poverty, violence and oppression of all kinds while remaining mindful of God’s promises of healing for a broken world.
Following the annual procession of the seasons with prayers that are appropriate for personal devotion as well as for use in leading worship, these new ways to call on God will feed your soul and inspire you to find your own fresh language for thanksgiving, praise, intercession and petition, whether in your community or personal spiritual life.
Introduction vii
Year A
Advent 3
Christmastide 12
The Epiphany of Christ 16
Ordinary Time: The Sundays after Epiphany 18
Lent 38
The Resurrection of Christ: Easter Sunday 50
The Great Fifty Days: The Easter Season 52
Pentecost 64
Ordinary Time: The Sundays after Pentecost 66
The Reign of Christ 121
Year B
Advent 127
Christmastide 136
The Epiphany of Christ 140
Ordinary Time: The Sundays after Epiphany 143
Lent 164
The Resurrection of Christ: Easter Sunday 177
The Great Fifty Days: The Easter Season 180
Pentecost 192
Ordinary Time: The Sundays after Pentecost 194
The Reign of Christ 248
Year C
Advent 253
Christmastide 262
The Epiphany of Christ 267
Ordinary Time: The Sundays after Epiphany 270
Lent 290
The Resurrection of Christ: Easter Sunday 302
The Great Fifty Days: The Easter Season 304
Pentecost 316
Ordinary Time: The Sundays after Pentecost 319
The Reign of Christ 376
Acknowledgments 379
About the Lectionary 381
Resources 384
Deborah Sokolove is director of the Henry Luce III Center for the Arts and Religion at Wesley Theological Seminary, where she also serves as professor of art and worship. She writes and teaches on the relationship between the arts, culture and religious traditions. She is author of Sanctifying Art: Inviting Conversation between Artists, Theologians, and the Church.