How is knowledge measured? How long does it take us to reflect on something and how long to express our thoughts? Such is the dilemma that the human, social and economic sciences go through, since they face the challenge of understanding complex processes when confronting the urgency of standards, measurements and forms of qualitative and quantitative evaluation that respond to notions of utility, productivity and viability, defined within social, cultural and political realities discordant with those models.
Peter Burke. Knowledge, Culture, and Society, compiles a series of conferences given by Peter Burke during his visit to Medellín, but also includes some unpublished works. It constitutes the first publication in English by the Editorial Center of the Faculty, aimed at the internationalization of our programs and to support the acquisition of a second language. It is also one of three publications commemorating the FCHE's 40th Anniversary: the historical review 40 Años Creciendo, Escribiendo y Publicando, the Historia de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Económicas (1975-2015), and now, this academic jewel that encourages the reflection upon our disciplines and the sources that support us as academics and researchers.
I hope that Peter Burke. Knowledge, Culture, and Society provides the tools for an interdisciplinary discussion about knowledge in the social and human sciences today, as well as important considerations about the research and methodological challenges posed to us every day. Yobenj Aucardo Chicangana-Bayona
Symbolism and knowledge: the culture circuit
Diana L. Ceballos Gómez
Peter Burke – Knowledge, Culture and Society
1. Introduction: Beyond Cultural History?
2. The History of the History of Knowledge
3. The Sociology and Anthropology of Knowledge
4. The Geopolitics of Knowledge
5. Specialization and its Antidotes
6. Staging Academic Knowledge, 1100-2000
7. The Republic of Learning as a Communication System
Peter Burke
Born in 1937 and educated in the St Ignatius's College, Stanford Hill, London; and St John's College, Oxford, Peter Burke became one of the youngest junior lecturers in the European Studies School at the University of Sussex, to which he belonged for 17 years. He transferred to the University of Cambridge in 1979 to teach European Modern History, becoming Reader of Cultural History in 1988 and Professor in 1996. He was awarded the Erasmus Medal in 1998. He retired in 2004, but his academic commitment and love for teaching and research keep him as a Fellow at the Emmanuel College.