Given the shared interest between higher education and positivepsychology in developing healthy and productive human beings, thisissue explores how this new subdiscipline of psychology cancontribute to the mission of higher education. It presents avariety of strategies for bolstering student learning anddevelopment.
The authors also draw from appreciative inquiry, which, likepositive psychology, is based on studying strengths, but focuses onorganizational rather than individual performance. During a time ofdaunting challenges, positive psychology and appreciative inquirycan help to leverage higher education’s many assets tooptimize the potential of students, faculty, and staff.
This is the 143rd volume of this Jossey-Bass highereducation quarterly series. An indispensable resource for vicepresidents of student affairs, deans of students, studentcounselors, and other student services professionals, New Directions for Student Services offers guidelines andprograms for aiding students in their total development: emotional, social, physical, and intellectual.
Peter C. Mather, Eileen Hulme
1. Appreciative Education 5
Jennifer L. Bloom, Bryant L. Hutson, Ye He, Erin Konkle
Appreciative education is presented as a framework for leadinghigher education institutions, delivering truly student-centeredservices, and guiding higher education professionals’interactions with students.
2. Cultivating Change Using Appreciative Inquiry 19
Matthew Fifolt, Lori Lander
The purpose of this chapter is to describe the utility and scopeof appreciative inquiry and outline the benefits of thisstrengths-based approach to engage in meaningfulself-assessment.
3. Promoting Positive Leadership 31
Peter C. Mather, Michael Hess
Drawing from positive organizational scholarship, the authorsdescribe strategies for moving from an ineffective focus onproblems to leveraging organizational strengths for productivechange
4. Thriving in College 41
Laurie A. Schreiner
This chapter describes the phenomenon of thriving as a deepengagement in learning experiences. The author also identifi esmultiple pathways to the acquisition of thriving andcharacteristics of communities that support thriving students.
5. Fostering Student Engagement by Cultivating Curiosity53
Eileen Hulme, Daniel T. Green, Kimberly S. Ladd
This chapter describes the results of a study that provides a richunderstanding of the role of curiosity in facilitating academic andpersonal success in high-achieving college students.
6. Appreciative Inquiry in Teaching and Learning 65
Laura M. Harrison, Shah Hasan
This chapter challenges the contemporary narrative that suggestshigher education and student learning are in decline. Prescriptionsfor strengthening pedagogical processes by adapting principles fromappreciative inquiry are also discussed.
7. Promoting Social Justice Through Appreciative Community
Service 77
Peter C. Mather, Erin Konkle
Social justice and community service have strong traditions inhigher education. In this chapter, the authors describe ways inwhich positive psychology and appreciative inquiry inform thepursuit of social justice through community service activities.
8. Resources and Readings in Positive Psychology 89
Peter C. Mather, Eileen Hulme
This chapter presents a variety of resources for highereducation professionals interested in applying appreciativeeducation principles to their work.
Peter C. Mather and Eileen Hulme are the authors of Positive Psychology and Appreciative Inquiry in Higher Education: New Directions for Student Services, Number 143, published by Wiley.