Lisa M. Hooper has published and has done research on the Parentification model, as one variations of the DDT (Hooper, 2007; Hooper at al., 2011a, 2011b).Luciano L’Abate has been responsible for resuscitating the DDT and for seeing the other models as related and derived in many ways from this model.Laura G. Sweeney has had a great deal of personal experience with the Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). She has published chapters on various paradigms and co-edited one book on Research on Writing Approaches in Mental Health with L’Abate (2011). Giovanna Gainesini has published in the area of Bullying. Peter Jankowski, is eminently qualified to write about the Stockholm Syndrome
1 电子书 Peter J. Jankowski
Lisa M. Hooper & Luciano L’Abate: Models of Psychopathology
This book explores current relational models of psychopathology that undergird a great many conflicts and destructive outcomes in family and intimate relationships. These models have similar features …