Peter Langhorne and Martin Dennis have written most chapters and take editorial responsibility for the content and opinions expressed in this book. Additional contributions (Chapter 5 and Appendix) have been made by invited authors. However, many other individuals have contributed to the project and the main body of data, descriptive information, and useful advice and comment have been provided by members of a collaborative review group (the Stroke Unit Trialists” Collaboration – see list below). Therefore individual chapters of the book should be cited as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 – Langhorne and Dennis on behalf of the Stroke Unit Trialists” Collaboration; 5 – Major and Walker; Appendix – Perth unit: Hankey and colleagues, Trondheim unit; Indredavik and colleagues, Orpington unit: Kalra, Nottingham unit: Berman and colleagues.
4 电子书 Peter Langhorne
John M. Bamford & Martin S. Dennis: Stroke
Completely updated edition, written by a close-knit author team Presents a unique approach to stroke – integrated clinical management that weaves together causation, presentation, diagnosis, manageme …
Peter Langhorne & Martin Dennis: Stroke Units
Based on a major systematic review from international centres this concise text discusses the benefits of managing stroke patients in specialised units compared to management outside the hospital. It …
Gillian E Mead & Frederike van Wijck: Exercise and Fitness Training After Stroke
This brand new book is the first of its kind dedicated to exercise and fitness training after stroke. It aims to provide health and exercise professionals, and other suitably qualified individuals, w …
Lindsey Carey & Rob Dekkers: Making Literature Reviews Work: A Multidisciplinary Guide to Systematic Approaches
This textbook guides the reader on how to undertake high-quality literature reviews, from traditional narrative to protocol-driven reviews. The guidance covers a broad range of purposes, disciplines …