The Eyes Have It is a humorous, early short story by Philip K. Dick that first appeared in Science Fiction Stories in 1953. In it, a bus-riding reader of a discarded melodrama with an overactive imagination is persuaded by the hackneyed prose that the world has been taken over by aliens. Thus, when eyes slowly roved around the room, the reader imagines disembodied eyeballs traveling of their own free will. A rare example of satire from the Dick canon.
Philip K. Dick (1928-1982) – was a prolific novelist, essayist and short story writer – having published approximately 44 novels and 121 short stories. His works have been turned into numerous popular films, including Total Recall, Minority Report, and The Adjustment Bureau. He won a Hugo Award in 1963 for his novel The Man in the High Castle and has been named as one of the hundred greatest English-language writers by Time magazine.