Understanding trajectory and bullet design to make accurate hits at any range.
If you’ve ever wondered what goes into making that little trajectory chart printed on the back of your ammo box, custom ammo maker and ballistics expert Phil Massaro can help. In The Ballistics Handbook, Massaro breaks down how environmental conditions, trajectory, ballistic coefficient, bullet shape/construction, and barrel length all affect accuracy. The more you understand about these variables, the more confidence you will gain, and that will result in making first-round hits.
Drawing from the knowledge in the author’s earlier work, The Big Book of Ballistics, this new title presents an in-depth study of internal, external and termainal ballisitics in plain language, plus additional information in a compact, easy-to-understand format ideal for beginners and intermediate shooters alike.
Massaro goes into great detail on the latest developments in the world of rifle shooting with coverage of:
- The newest high-performance cartridges
- Ballistic apps and customer scope turrets
- The latest trajectory and wind drift charts
The Ballistics Handbook will help you get all the accuracy that you and your rifle are capable of.
Philip P. Massarois the founder and president of Massaro Ballistic Laboratories, which creates custom-handloaded ammunition. He has been the editor for the Gun Digest Annual for the past five editions. Massaro is also a contributor to Cartridges of the World and the author of ABCs of Reloading, 10th edition, both from Gun Digest Books. He is the "Reloading Bench" columnist for Gun Digest the Magazine and a contributor to numerous other firearms magazines.