作者: Philipp Aerni

Harvey James is Professor of Applied Economics, Chair of the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, and the Department”s Director of Graduate Studies, at the University of Missouri, in Columbia, Missouri. Dr. James is also editor-in-chief of the journal Agriculture and Human Values and a member of the editorial board at Business Ethics Quarterly. Dr. James has a BA in economics and an MS in sociology from Brigham Young University, and an MA and Ph D in economics from Washington University in St. Louis. Dr. James teaches courses in microeconomics and agricultural ethics for undergraduates and research methodology for graduate students. His research focuses on applied ethics and the economic foundations of trust and ethical behavior. Dr. James has produced two edited books: The Ethics and Economics of Agrifood Competition (2013) examines the question of whether there is adequate competition in the agrifood industry, while New Ideas in Contracting and Organizational Economics Research (2005) explores emerging research on business organization. He also co-authored the book, When Businesses Cross International Borders: Strategic Alliances and Their Alternatives (with the late Murray Weidenbaum, former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors under U.S. President Ronald Reagan). Dr. James has published more than 100 academic articles and book chapters. He is a member of the American Economic Association; the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association; the Association for Social Economics; the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society; and the Society for Business Ethics.

7 电子书 Philipp Aerni

Harvey S James, Jr: Ethical Tensions from New Technology
The introduction of new technologies can be controversial, especially when they create ethical tensions as well as winners and losers among stakeholders and interest groups. While ethical tensions re …
Philipp Aerni: Global Business in Local Culture
This book examines the impact of multinational enterprises (MNEs) on local economies, and presents selected case studies of MNEs operating in low income countries. By balancing external social and en …
Philipp Aerni: The Sustainable Provision of Environmental Services
This book addresses the ability of market-based instruments to improve the sustainable provision of environmental services. The author combines field research and insights from the multi-stakeholder …
Philipp Aerni & Klaus-Jürgen Grün: Moral und Angst
Unser moralisches Empfinden ist von den Emotionen Glück und Angst geprägt. Sie gelten gar als Motor moralischen Handelns. Doch in unserer Gesellschaft herrscht nach wie vor eine strikte Trennung von …
Philipp Aerni & Klaus-Jürgen Grün: Schwierigkeiten mit der Moral
Welche Rolle spielt die Moral für unser wirtschaftliches Handeln und überhaupt in der Wirtschaft? Steht sie uns vielleicht sogar im Weg? Durch Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrisen ist das Misstrauen zwische …
Jr, Harvey S (University of Missouri, USA) James: Ethical Tensions from New Technology : The Case of Agricultural Biotechnology
The introduction of new technologies can be controversial, especially when they create ethical tensions as well as winners and losers among stakeholders and interest groups. While ethical tensions re …
Marcel Meier Kressig & Mathias Lindenau: Vertrauen – ein riskantes Unterfangen?
Auf Vertrauen können wir nicht verzichten, weder in unseren zwischenmenschlichen Bezügen noch in gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhängen. Es wird überall eingefordert, erwartet und gewährt. Zugleich kann V …