This book is dedicated to the description and application of various
different theoretical models to identify the near and mid-infrared spectra
of symmetric and spherical top molecules in their gaseous form.
Theoretical models based on the use of group theory are applied to rigid
and non-rigid molecules, characterized by the phenomenon of tunneling
and large amplitude motions. The calculation of vibration-rotation
energy levels and the analysis of infrared transitions are applied to
molecules of ammonia (NH3) and methane (CH4).
The applications show how interactions at the molecular scale modify
the near and mid-infrared spectra of isolated molecules, under the
influence of the pressure of a nano-cage (the substitution site of a rare
gas matrix, clathrate, fullerene or zeolite) or a surface, and allow us to
identify the characteristics of the perturbing environment.
This book provides valuable support for teachers and researchers but is
also intended for engineering students, working research engineers and
Master s and doctorate students.
Pierre-Richard Dahoo is Professor and Holder of the Chair Materials
Simulation and Engineering at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin
in France. He is Director of Institut des Sciences et Techniques des
Yvelines and a specialist in modeling and spectroscopy at the LATMOS
laboratory of CNRS.
Azzedine Lakhlifi is Senior Lecturer at the University of Franche-Comte
and a researcher, specializing in modeling and spectroscopy at UTINAM
Institute, UMR 6213 CNRS, OSU THETA Franche-Comte Bourgogne,
University Bourgogne Franche-Comte, Besancon, France.