作者: Pilar Salgado


3 电子书 Pilar Salgado

Alfredo Bermúdez de Castro & Dolores Gómez: Mathematical Models and Numerical Simulation in Electromagnetism
The book represents a basic support for a master course in electromagnetism oriented to numerical simulation. The main goal of the book is that the reader knows the boundary-value problems of partial …
Peregrina Quintela & Patricia Barral: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2016
This book addresses mathematics in a wide variety of applications, ranging from problems in electronics, energy and the environment, to mechanics and mechatronics. Using the classification system def …
Alfredo Bermúdez de Castro & Dolores Gómez: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications
The European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced App- cations (ENUMATH) is a series of meetings held every two years to provide a forum for discussion on recent aspects of numerical math …