Will You Wait for Me? is the third book to complete the trilogy of The Courtship of Lizzie Andrews. This intimate chronicle follows a young couple’s four-year romantic courtship that began in 1850. Lizzie Andrews, now 18 years old, was just 14 when she receives her first letter from Edward Jarvis Tenney. Both from prominent New England families, her suitor is a 20-year old Harvard graduate. He is also her third-cousin. Edward asks Lizzie to wait for him as he sails from New York on the maiden voyage of The San Francisco, a brand-new steamer. He is pursuing a future as an international shipping merchant so he can marry her and support her in the lifestyle to which she is accustomed. One hundred and fifty years after Edward wrote these letters, they were discovered in a dusty attic. Will You Wait for Me? includes the authentic and unedited letters. Lizzie’s great, great granddaughter, PJ Watters, creates a vivid description of Lizzie’s life and viewpoint based on historic events.
I. Preparing to Ship Out
Chapter 1: Wenham 3
Chapter 2: Dear Little Gipsy 11
Chapter 3: Hamilton Hall Soiree 27
Chapter 4: Four Pets 33
Chapter 5: Keep Our Hearts Within Our Breasts 47
Chapter 6: Writing the Whole Time 51
Chapter 7: The Last Thanksgiving 59
Chapter 8: Visiting Sing Sing Prison 65
Chapter 9: Edwin Bartlett 73
Chapter 10: On Board the Steamer 81
II. Waiting in New York
Chapter 11: Relieved of My Overcoat 89
Chapter 12: Daguerreotype 107
Chapter 13: Captain Watkins 115
Chapter 14: Ring on My Finger 123
Chapter 15: By Excuse of Umbrella 131
Chapter 16: Steamer’s Delay 135
Chapter 17: Worthy of Your Respect 141
Chapter 18: A Most Beautiful Reverie 149
Chapter 19: Tarrytown 155
Chapter 20: A Sister’s Love 161
Chapter 21: A Very Dear Friend to Leave Behind 165
Chapter 22: With the Help of God 175
Chapter 23: My Own Darling, May God Bless You 187
III. Weathering Changes
Chapter 24: Ships at Sea 195
Chapter 25: Startling Marine Disasters 197
Chapter 26: Conduct of the Government 203
Chapter 27: Description of the Steamer as She Appeared on Christmas 207
Chapter 28: Vessels Ordered to Sea 213
Chapter 29: 100 Soldiers Swept Overboard by a Single Wave 215
Chapter 30: Statement of Lieutenant Winder Aboard The Three Bells at Sea 217
Chapter 31: Fate of The San Francisco – News from the Wreck 223
Chapter 32: Statement by One of the Passengers 229
Interesting Statement of a Passenger 241
Statement of Colonel William Gates 243
Chapter 33: Obituaries – Messages of Consolation – Tributes 245
Chapter 34: Ever After 249
Epilogue 257
Who’s Who in the Courtship of Lizzie Andrews 259
Family Relationship Charts
Andrews 335
Sprague 337
Bartlett 339
Tenney 341
Elisabeth Johnson is a genealogical researcher who has compiled the information in the book’s appendix: Who’s Who in The Courtship of Lizzie Andrews. Her genealogical research has amassed 18, 000 names, including identifying five ancestors who came to America on the Mayflower.