4 电子书 Professor David Dyzenhaus
Professor David Dyzenhaus: Judging the Judges, Judging Ourselves
With a Foreword by the South African Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry, Kader Asmal. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), established in South Africa after the collapse of apartheid, w …
Professor David Dyzenhaus: The Unity of Public Law
This book tackles the important topic of the relationship between three parts of the public law regime in a common law jurisdiction: the common law of judicial review or the unwritten constitution, t …
Professor David Dyzenhaus: Recrafting the Rule of Law
This collection of essays on the rule of law focuses on the traditional question whether the rule of law is necessarily the rule of moral principles, the question of the legitimacy of law. Essays by …
Professor David Dyzenhaus & Murray Hunt: A Simple Common Lawyer
Michael Taggart was the Alexander Turner Professor of Law in the University of Auckland, New Zealand until his retirement in 2008. He has worked extensively on public law, in particular administrativ …