Dr. Qian Hao2014.01~2015.01, Plant Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Visiting Ph.D. (Funded by CSC) 2011.01~2016.01, Department of Ecology, College of Urban and Environment Sciences, Peking University, PhD. in Physical Geography. 2007.01~2011.01, Department of Forestry, Beijing Forestry University, B.S. in Forestry. Beijing “Excellent graduate” Peking University “Excellent graduate”, “Excellent doctoral dissertation” Beijing Forestry University “Merit Student”, “The First Prize of Liang Xi” Hao, Q., de Lafontaine, G., Guo, D., Gu, H., Hu, F.S., Han, Y., Song, Z. and Liu, H. (2017) The critical role of local refugia in postglacial colonization of Chinese pine: joint inferences from DNA analyses, pollen records, and species distribution modeling. Ecography, Online. Hao, Q., Liu, H. and Liu, X. (2016) Pollen-detected altitudinal migration of forests during the Holocene in the mountainous forest-steppe ecotone in northern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 446: 70-77. Hao, Q., Liu, H., Yin, Y., Wang, H. and Feng, M. (2014) Varied responses of forest at its distribution margin to Holocene monsoon development in northern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 409: 239-248.
2 电子书 Qian Hao
Caroline Cauffman & Qian Hao: Procedural Rights in Competition Law in the EU and China
The book examines the rights of defendants in infringement procedures and those of the notifying parties in merger proceedings before the European Commission and the Chinese competition authorities. …
Qian Hao: The LGM Distribution of Dominant Tree Genera in Northern China’s Forest-steppe Ecotone and Their Postglacial Migration
This book systematically discusses the vegetation dynamics in northern China since the LGM, with a focus on three dominant tree species (Pinus, Quercus and Betula). By integrating met …