R. Allan Freeze is one of North America”s leading researchers in
the field of environmental water quality, and has acted as the
consulting engineer on drinking water quality at a number of sites
across North America. He was a member of the University of British
Columbia”s engineering faculty in Vancouver for twenty years and is
the author of over 150 technical articles and the coauthor of
several books.
Jay H. Lehr is Senior Scientist with The Heartland Institute and
Chief Scientist for Earth Water Global, an international water
supply company. A graduate of Princeton University, he developed
the first Ph D program in hydrology at the University of Arizona and
was on the faculty at The Ohio State University. Lehr has authored
or coauthored over twenty books, hundreds of journal and magazine
articles, and is an internationally renowned expert who speaks
worldwide on environmental topics.
3 电子书 R. Allan Freeze
R. Allan Freeze & Jay H. Lehr: The Fluoride Wars
A lively account of fluoridation and its discontents Since its first implementation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1945, public drinking water fluoridation and its attendant conflicts, controversies, …
R. Allan Freeze: The Metrics of Happiness
This book provides a comprehensive treatment of how happiness and wellbeing are measured. It presents an accessible summary of the philosophy, methodology, and applicability of the various measuremen …
R. Allan Freeze: The Environmental Pendulum
The pendulum of environmental policy swings from one extreme to the other, depending on which camp is in power and who has the ear of the media. Underkill is followed by overkill. Concern breeds acti …