Mystery & History in Georgia, Volume I, is a compendium of information on historic sites, incidents and mysterious unexplained events relating to what today is the state of Georgia, from prehistory up to the 1950s. The captivating topics range from Native American history and mysteries; railroads history and mysteries; and pioneer Georgia history; to U.S. Civil War history and mysteries in Georgia; natural disasters in the state; illicit liquor (‘moonshine’) history in Georgia; murder mysteries; and a wide array of other unusual and unexplained phenomena in the state.
The details of these events and mysteries have been carefully researched and painstakingly collected over many years. The book topics are arranged on a county-by-county basis for ease of reference. This volume of work footnoted and includes Full Name and Subject Indexes to facilitate referential use by researchers. It is illustrated with over 250 captivating photographs, many of which are rare historic prints.
Mystery and History in Georgia is not intended as an all-inclusive history of the state, but rather as a documentation of historic, mysterious and unexplained events which have occurred in the state during the aforementioned time-period. All research involved in the preparation of this book was conducted by skilled historians and dedicated researchers of history.