This book presents real-world problems and pioneering research that reflect novel approaches to cybernetics, algorithms and software engineering in the context of intelligent systems. It gathers the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 2nd Computational Methods in Systems and Software 2018 (Co Me Sy So 2018), a conference that broke down traditional barriers by being held online. The goal of the event was to provide an international forum for discussing the latest high-quality research results.
Efficient Framework to Secure Communication in Io T using Novel Finite Field Encryption.- A Novel Template based Data Structurization Scheme for Normalizing and Analyzing Medical data.- A Novel Design and Implementation of Imaging Chip using AXI Protocol for MPSOC on FPGA.- Simple Modeling of Mobile Foreground Detection using Probabilistic Linear Estimation Approach.- An Agent-Architecture for Automated Decision Making on the Semantic Web.- An Efficient Hardware Realization of DCT Based Color Image Mosaicing System on FPGA.- A Recovery Technique for the Fog-computing-based Information and Control systems.- An Examination of Message Ferry Movement for Delay Tolerant Networks.- Comparison of ERP Systems with Blockchain Platform.- Data extraction from the distorted DCF77 signal captured using low-cost receivers.- Efficiency Comparison of Modern Computer Languages: Sorting Benchmark.- Input Output data converter for the Math engine in an Expert System.- Adaptive Software System for Optimization of the Admission and Management Process for Doctoral Students.