This collection focuses on ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy where ionic melts, slags, fluxes, or salts play important roles in industrial growth and economy worldwide. Technical topics included are: thermodynamic properties and phase diagrams and kinetics of slags, fluxes, and salts; physical properties of slags, fluxes, and salts; structural studies of slags; interfacial and process phenomena involving foaming, bubble formation, and drainage; slag recycling, refractory erosion/corrosion, and freeze linings; and recycling and utilization of metallurgical slags and models and their applications in process improvement and optimization. These topics are of interest to not only traditional ferrous and non-ferrous metal industrial processes but also new and upcoming technologies.
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) is a member-driven international professional society dedicated to fostering the exchange of learning and ideas across the entire range of materials science and engineering, from minerals processing and primary metals production, to basic research and the advanced applications of materials. Included among its nearly 13, 000 professional and student members are metallurgical and materials engineers, scientists, researchers, educators, and administrators from more than 70 countries on six continents. For more information on TMS, visit