Winner at the 2016 International Latino Book Awards. After Yoga in the Jungle comes A treasure in the peaks . Are you ready to climb the highest peaks and learn to meditate?
Our two friends from different cultures, Ravi and Tony, continue their journey and go in search of teachings and wisdom as they travel through India. Eyes wide ope, in the world’s highest peaks, they will discover that the most valuable treasure of all—a happy, peaceful life—is found within each and every one of us. They will learn to meditate to know and master the mind, which is like a crazy monkey that jumps around and never stays in one place.
A Treasure in the Peaks includes suggestions for simple exercises to improve concentration and attention, introducing young readers to the benefits of meditation: focusing on the sound of bird song, feeling each step we take with our feet, or noticing how our hearts fill with joy.
Ganador en los International Latino Book Awards de 2016. Después de Yoga en la selva llega Un tesoro en las cumbres. ¿Estás preparado para ascender a las cumbres más altas y aprender a meditar?
Nuestros dos amigos procedentes de diferentes culturas, Raví y Toni, continúan su viaje y irán en busca de enseñanzas y sabiduría por la India. Con los ojos bien abiertos, descubrirán, desde las cumbres más altas de la Tierra, que el tesoro más valioso para una vida tranquila y feliz se encuentra dentro de nosotros. Aprenderán a meditar para conocer y dominar la mente, que es como un mono loco que salta alrededor y nunca se queda en un solo lugar.
Un tesoro en las cumbres sugiere sencillos ejercicios de concentración y de atención y, a través de una pequeña aventura, inicia a los más pequeños en la beneficiosa práctica de la meditación: concentrarse en el trino del pájaro, sentir cada paso de nuestros pies o percibir cómo se llena nuestra corazón de alegría.
Ramiro Calle (Madrid, Spain, 1943) is a yoga teacher and an award-winning writer. He has written more than a hundred books on various topics, mostly philosophical or spiritual, but also compilations of stories and travel guides. Since 1971 he founded the Shadak yoga center, which more than half a million persons have visited. He has also taught at the Autonomous University of Madrid, and has lectured elsewhere.
Nívola Uyá is a Spanish award-winning illustrator and visual artist, with a degree in Environmental Sciences. She loves nature as much as illustration and, whenever possible, combines both worlds. She makes illustrations for books, campaigns, audiovisual, and murals, as well as illustration and creativity workshops in many corners of the world, convinced that the creative process brings out the best in people and makes us more sensitive. With a palette of luminous colors and a magical-realistic style, she likes to capture possible and optimistic worlds, that spread love and hope. She has more than a dozen illustrated albums published in English, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, German and Swahili, distinguished with several international awards, such as the Silver Medal at the Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards for Best Illustrator, and Best Illustrated Album Award at the International Latino Book Awards and the selection Seal Chair of UNESCO for Reading.