作者: Rauli Partanen

M. Korhonen Janne: Janne M. Korhonen a une maîtrise d’ingénierie et prépare un doctorat. Il est auteur indépendant et chercheur en matière d’innovation, énergie et environnement.  Partanen Rauli: Rauli Partanen est licencié en administration des affaires, auteur indépendant, conférencier et consultant en matière d’environnement, énergie, société, économie et de leur corrélation.

3 电子书 Rauli Partanen

Harri (Peak Oil Finland) Paloheimo & Rauli (Peak Oil Finland) Partanen: The World After Cheap Oil
Substantial evidence suggests that we are currently living at the peak of oil production with few prospects for cheap oil ever returning. Yet the media, politicians and regular people have hardly sta …
Harri (Peak Oil Finland) Paloheimo & Rauli (Peak Oil Finland) Partanen: The World After Cheap Oil
Substantial evidence suggests that we are currently living at the peak of oil production with few prospects for cheap oil ever returning. Yet the media, politicians and regular people have hardly sta …