A Database-Powered Website–Easier and Yet More Powerful Than Ever The latest release of Cold Fusion represents a giant leap forward inthe creation of dynamic, database-driven websites. Mastering Cold Fusion MX is the resource you need to take advantage ofeverything MX has to offer. Whether you’re just getting started ormaking the transition from an earlier version, you’ll quickly gainthe skills that will take you to the next level. Master databaseinteractions, integrate with Flash applications, build and consumeweb services, manage and secure your server–and, most importantly, develop full-blown, dynamic web applications.Coverage Includes:* Including outside code* Creating and manipulating variables* Interacting with email, web, FTP, and LDAP servers* Creating dynamic charts and graphs* Creating and validating forms* Using SQL for advanced, dynamic database interaction* Using JSP custom tag libraries in Cold Fusion* Building rich-media applications with Flash Remoting* Using XML with Cold Fusion* Using object-oriented programming with Cold Fusion Components* Building and consuming web services* Scheduling automatic execution of Cold Fusion programs* Implementing fine-grained, advanced security* Implementing error control* Building a search engine with Verity* Administering Cold Fusion servers
Introduction.Part 1: The Basics.Chapter 1: Creating Your First Cold Fusion Template.Chapter 2: Passing Data between Cold Fusion Templates.Chapter 3: Retrieving Data from a Database.Part 2: The Essentials.Chapter 4: Creating and Manipulating Variables.Chapter 5: Functions.Chapter 6: Writing Expressions.Chapter 7: Controlling the Flow of Your Templates.Chapter 8: Scripting: An Alternative to Tags.Chapter 9: Including Outside Code.Chapter 10: Creating Databases and Tables.Chapter 11: Using cfquery and SQL to Interact with the Database.Chapter 12: Using Advanced Query Techniques.Chapter 13: Advanced Output Techniques.Chapter 14: Creating Charts and Graphs.Chapter 15: Looping.Chapter 16: Working with Cold Fusion Data Structures.Chapter 17: Forms.Chapter 18: Validating Form Data.Chapter 19: Implementing the Cold Fusion Web Application Framework.Chapter 20: Using cflock.Chapter 21: Implementing Error Control.Chapter 22: File Management.Part 3: Working the Internet with Cold Fusion.Chapter 23: Sending and Receiving Mail.Chapter 24: Using Internet Protocols.Part 4: Advanced Concepts.Chapter 25: Query of Queries.Chapter 26: Evaluating Dynamic Expressions.Chapter 27: Scheduling Events.Chapter 28: Implementing a Search Engine.Chapter 29: Application Security.Chapter 30: Building Cold Fusion Custom Tags.Chapter 31: Creating User-Defined Functions.Chapter 32: Using Cold Fusion Components and Web Services.Chapter 33: Including External Objects.Chapter 34: Using WDDX.Chapter 35: XML.Chapter 36: Flash Integration.Chapter 37: Managing a Cold Fusion Server.Part 5: Appendices.Appendix A: Installing Cold Fusion.Appendix B: Cold Fusion Tag Reference.Appendix C: Cold Fusion Function Reference.Index.
Arman Danesh is an MIS manager responsible for developing Cold Fusion applications. He has been working with the product since 1997. Raymond Camden is an engineer at Macromedia and a certified Cold Fusion instructor. He has written articles for Cold Fusion Developer’s Journal.Guy Rish is an independent consultant and carries developer and instructor certifications from Macromedia and Rational.