Getting Started in Research is for people in the earlier stages of development as a researcher. In contrast to the many books available on techniques of data collection and analysis, this volume deals with the many other practical considerations around actually doing research – such as good ways to frame research questions, how to plan your research projects effectively and how to undertake the various necessary tasks.
Who Should Use This Book and How
Getting Going
Developing Research Ideas
The Research Process
Doing Your Project
Moving on
Developing Yourself as a Researcher
I work at the nexus of sociology and cultural studies and my research interests comprise childhood and youth studies, particularly sexuality, gender and race in education and in popular culture, and the cultural politics of education. Overall, my focus is on the dominant and how it is held in place, though this often involves investigating the experiences of those in subordinated, marginalised and/or stigmatised groups. I am especially concerned with how children negotiate these ‘differences that make a difference’ and their agency in the context of institutional settings such as schools and families.