Whiffy Newton, real first name Alfred, hardly looks like a crack amateur super-sleuth.
His clothes are too short and too tight. He never gets picked first for sports. And he has poor eyesight.
But he’s got his two best friends – Doreen and Paz – and together, the three friends form the detective outfit The Agency.
Until now, The Agency has only handled the discreet enquiries of other put upon children at Kentwood High. But The Case of the Dastardly Deeds sees them take on their biggest, their craziest, their most dangerous, case yet.
Lamb and Chutney Sandwiches Again
The Three Amigos
The Three Thugs
A Mystery at the Tuckshop
The Agency
Laying the Groundwork
Clues Getting Stranger and Stranger
Following the Trail of Chips
Things that Won’t Stack Up
More Sinister Developments
Getting to the Bottom of Things
The Awful Truth
The Pudgy Finger of Blame
The Agency Pulls Together
Trouble Comes a-Knocking
The Agency for Creative Enterprise
My Father, the Evil Genius
REBECCA LIM is a writer and illustrator based in Melbourne, Australia. Rebecca is the author of seventeen books, including The Astrologer’s Daughter (a Kirkus Best Book of 2015 and Notable Book, CBCA Book of the Year for Older Readers), Afterlight and the bestselling Mercy. Shortlisted for the Prime Minister’s Literary Award, Aurealis Award, INDIEFAB Book of the Year Award and Davitt Award for YA, Rebecca’s work has also been longlisted for the Gold Inky Award and the David Gemmell Legend Award. Her novels have been translated into German, French, Turkish, Portuguese and Polish. She is a co-founder of the Voices from the Intersection initiative.