- Unique focus on achieving more resilient, ‘climate-smart’ coffee cultivation
- Distinctive agroecological approach based on improving cultivation through optimising ecosystem services
- Comprehensive coverage of the value chain in coffee cultivation, from breeding to pest management and post-harvest practices
Part 1 Improving social and environmental sustainability
1.Global coffee production and sustainability: Carlos H. J. Brando, P&A Marketing, Brazil;
2.The coffee sector and smallholder farmers: Gabriele Regio, Oxfam, Italy;
3.Assessing and managing the environmental and social impact of coffee production: H. A. Jürgen Pohlan and Marc J. J. Janssens, University of Bonn, Germany; and Dennis José Salazar Centeno, Universidad Nacional Agraria Managua, Nicaragua;
4.Specialty coffees as drivers of change: H. A. Jürgen Pohlan, University of Bonn, Germany; Dennis José Salazar Centeno, UNA Managua, Nicaragua; Juan Carlos Torrico-Albino, UMSA La Paz, Bolivia; and Marc J. J. Janssens, University of Bonn, Germany;
5.Fair-trade coffee: how fair is fair?: Ruud Bronkhorst, Info Bridge Foundation, The Netherlands;
6.Advances in Arabica coffee breeding: developing and selecting the right varieties: Álvaro Gaitán-Bustamante, Juan Carlos Arias-Suarez and Claudia Patricia Flórez-Ramos, Colombian National Coffee Research Center (CENICAFE), Colombia;
7.Optimizing post-harvest practices in coffee cultivation: Carlos H. J. Brando and João Alberto P. Brando, P&A Marketing, Brazil;
Part 2 Sustainable pest and disease management
8.Insect pests affecting coffee: understanding agroecosystems and alternative methods of control: Luis Fernando Aristizábal-Aristizábal, Independent Consultant, USA;
9.Diseases affecting coffee: an overview: S. Daivasikamani and A. P. Ranjini, Central Coffee Research Institute, India;
10.Ecological perspectives on the coffee leaf rust: Zachary Hajian-Forooshani and John Vandermeer, University of Michigan, USA;
11.Coffee wilt disease: Julie Flood, CABI, UK;
12.Integrated management of nematodes of coffee: Regina M. D. G. Carneiro and Marcilene F. A. dos Santos, Embrapa Recursos Genética e Biotecnologia, Brazil;
13.Integrated management of soil-borne insect and fungal pests of coffee : Cesar J. Fanton and Renan B. Queiroz, Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (INCAPER), Brazil; and Laércio Zambolim, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil;
14.Integrated weed management in coffee production: Cláudio Pagotto Ronchi, Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil;
Luis Fernando Aristizábal has more than 25 years experience working on different aspects of entomology, including a 12-year spell at the National Coffee Research Center in Colombia in which he focussed his research on coffee berry borer. Luis currently works as an Independent Consultant for an array of international organisations, including the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).