The different physical properties displayed by low molar mass organic materials and polymers are a result of their molecular organisation. In order to understand the structure – property relationship of a material it is necessary to first look at the interactions at a molecular level. This new edition of Polymer Structure Characterization provides readers with the background needed to understand the factors that influence molecular organization and how this affects the morphology and bulk physical properties of a material.
In order to introduce the concepts, the book first looks at small molecular systems and builds up to complex macromolecular systems. The second edition has been fully revised and updated to include new examples and references. Topics covered include: organic crystals, liquid crystals, plastic crystals, polymer crystal growth, amorphous glassy materials, polymer surfaces and interfaces, colloids and molecular organization in liquids as well as two new chapters on self-assembly and biopolymer systems.
The book is intended to provide complimentary material for a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in materials science, molecular chemistry and chemical physics. In addition to polymer and material scientists, the book would also be of interest to chemists and physicists studying the properties of organic materials.
Concept of Structure–Property Relationships in Molecular Solids and Polymers; Crystal Growth in Small Molecular Systems; Liquid Crystalline State of Matter; Plastic Crystals; Morphology of Crystalline Polymers and Methods for its Investigation; Polymer Crystal Growth; Glasses and Amorphous Material; Polymer Blends and Phase Separation; Molecular Surfaces; Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces; Colloids and Molecular Organization in Liquids; Self-Assembly and Building Nano Structures; Biopolymer and Related Systems; Molecular Organization and Higher Order Structures;